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Wednesday, 28 August 2013


earlier in term 3 room 7 createc some caelidoscope art using 48 little pictures (24 origonal- 12 rotated, 24 reflected- 12 rotrated. we all had fun making them and some of us made 2 and others on the computer. this is what we came up with.

Sunday, 25 August 2013


In term 1 and 2 room 7 of te pahu school take a bus to te awamutu intermediate school. We are normally split into two groups - two year eight groups and two year seven groups. Then we are transferred into one of the four technology rooms - hard materials/woodwork, Soft materials/sewing, biotechnology/science or food tecknology/cooking. We do this every Thursday for the first two terms of the year. Every few times a group brings home their product to eat, drink, use.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Collage Art

earlier in term 3 2013 Te Pahu School's Room 7 created some amazing collage art. it looks amazing and we all had fun making them. Hope you enjoy, tell me what you think in the comments.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

pre-school reading

                      Earlier this year our class walked down to Te Pahu Pre-School. 
In term one and two room7 of te pahu schoool walked down to te pahu kindy and each read a book to one of the many children. we all had a great time- the children more than us- and c ant wait to go again.